Check out what LOGman can do for you

User activity


LOGman supports logging user actions such as add, edit, delete, login, install, update, download ... for both the Joomla core extensions and many third party extensions.

Advanced filtering


LOGman allows you to filter your activity feed to show actions performed within a specific time period and/or a specific user.


analyze  optimize

LOGman has built-in impressions support for your Joomla articles. It keeps track of referrers and visited content pages for each user session.

Dashboard module


Get a quick overview of all user activity straight from your Joomla Administrator Dashboard using our LOGman activity module.

Frontend streams


Expose activity streams on your site using activity views and modules.

Linker plugin


The Linker editor plugin can find any linkable resource in your site. It will prompt you with a list of all available resources and allow you to select and insert a link to a specific resource into the editor.

Search for anything in your site you wanna link to.

Automatic redirects New


Whenever your users try to access a resource using an old URL, LOGman will automatically redirect them to the new URL, resulting in fewer 404 errors.

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Support for 110+ events


LOGman is capable of logging more than 110+ different user actions.

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Export to CSV


Easily export all or part of your site’s logged activities to CSV, with the built-in export tool, for easy offline use.

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Logging user login & logout


Keep your site secure. Track and log when your users login and logout.

Settings view


The great new settings view allows you to control all aspects of LOGman from one central interface.

Even more features

E-mail notifications

LOGman can send E-mail notifications to a selected list of addresses.

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IP tracking

For added security LOGman tracks the IP addresses for each logged action.

Automatic & manual purging

Logs are automatically purged after 90 days (can be configured). Logs can also be purged manually.

RSS feed

You can use endpoints to visualize activity streams in your favorite news reader.

Simple developer API

Developers can easily integrate LOGman into their own extensions using the PHP and JSON API’s.

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Guest activities

Activities from guest users can optionally be logged by LOGman.

DOCman & FILEman support

Full support for all DOCman and FILEman user actions including downloads.

Joomla updater

New releases will install with “one-click” using Joomla’s built-in updater.

System Activities New

LOGman makes the difference between human and system activity logging.