DOCman for Wordpress 1.4.3 | 12 December 2022 fixed - Document routes not re-generated when updating categories fixed - Global permissions not properly inherited by 1st level categories fixed - Category tree filter showing stale category hierarchy
DOCman for Wordpress 1.4.2 | 28 November 2022 added - Proper handling of controller layer error from failed form submits fixed - Fragment blocks request cache causing blocks of the same type rendered on the same page/post to use the same layout fixed - Customizer DOCmam blocks rendering fixed - PHP 8.1 error messages
DOCman for Wordpress 1.4.1 | 24 October 2022 added - Add setting on flat lists to disable action buttons added - SiteGround optimizer exclusions fixed - Redirect after save issue on frontend cached forms fixed - Crypto packages making calls to phpinfo fixed - Frontend page re-directs due to missing trailing slash on DOCman routes when compared with permalink structure settings fixed - Rewrite rules flushing when deleting cache
DOCman for Wordpress 1.4.0 | 28 September 2022 added - Tree list block fixed - Read more editor feature fixed - Joomla to WP migrations fixed - Checkboxes showing on gallery thumbnails without possible action fixed - Minor permission checks issues
DOCman for Wordpress 1.3.2 | 13 July 2022 added - Ability to stream from player if user has view permission on media improved - Document permalinks improved - Default dates on DB tables fixed - Users being detached from groups when changing roles fixed - Emails not being sent after submitting documents using the submit block fixed - Scheduled documents not showing for owners fixed - Audio files showing multiple times on player fixed - ErrorException: Warning: Undefined array key m4a fixed - Category selector filtering on document form
DOCman for Wordpress 1.3.1 | 16 June 2022 improved - Attachments layout fixed - Save button missing on frontend forms fixed - Migrator is missing data fixed - Flat list ordering not working fixed - Imagine image processing PHP library not properly working on PHP 8 fixed - Block options management and related permissions checks fixed - Broken categories lists order on backend views fixed - Fatal error when deleting a user
DOCman for Wordpress 1.3.0 | 19 May 2022 added - Block setting attribute for enabling/disabling pagination on fragment blocks added - Missing options on attach documents block added - User API added - Full permissions support on backend interface added - Video preload support added - Admins only fixed group improved - Permissions API and UI improved - Routing URL re-write handling fixed - Fragment blocks request conflicts with page blocks rendered within the same page fixed - Cancel button broken on forms after form validator triggers fixed - Router not working properly on draft pages fixed - Discard button on frontend document forms are miss-behaving fixed - Category owners cannot see unpublished documents fixed - Update migrator import/export handling
DOCman for Wordpress 1.2.5 | 15 February 2022 fixed - Improve frontend delete action messages fixed - Support multiple categories for flat lists fixed - Add default layout fallback fixed - Frontend delete button issues fixed - Routing entities through endpoints fixed - Uninstall is not properly finishing execution
DOCman for Wordpress 1.2.4 | 13 October 2021 fixed - Download in a new page option on attachments blocks fixed - Gallery search results preview controls fixed - Force download option on blocks fixed - Assets URLs when using SSL
DOCman for Wordpress 1.2.3 | 05 July 2021 fixed - Model state not reset when double checking valid category routes based on page category parenthood