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Setup a private files area

Last updated: 29 March 2022

FILEman makes it very easy to allow users to manage their own files from the frontend using the special 'User files' menu type. This menu type ensures that users only see their own files, files get stored in a dedicated folder per user.

Use case test

Registered users should be able to:

  1. access specific files that are not accessible by other users
  2. create folders and upload files that are not accessible to other users


FILEman comes with a special menu type called User Files. This makes it very easy to setup a list of files per user for various use cases and workflows.

  1. Enable the Show user folder only parameter in FILEman settings to restrict FILElink access to the folder and files owned by the logged-in user.
  2. Create a Menu Item called 'My Files'
  3. Use type User Files
  4. Choose a layout: Table or Gallery
  5. Set the Access Level to Registered

Make sure that the Registered group has create permissions, if not the user will not be able to upload files.


A registered user will see the 'My Files' Menu Item allowing him to upload files and browse the files that have been uploaded earlier. User files get stored in a separate container located at joomlatools-files/fileman-user-files. Each user will automatically have new folder (based on their username) created the first time they access the menu item.

Learn more about the user files menu item.

How can an administrator manage the private files?

There are a couple of methods for managing private files and dependant upon your use case, you can use one of the following:

Drag-and-drop upload in administrator

From your site's administrator area go to Components > FILEman > User Files, once there select the user you want to manage the private files for. You can now drag-and-drop new files for this user via the Drop files here panel.

Manage via FTP

  1. Log into your server via FTP
  2. Navigate to the folder that your FILEman user files are stored in joomlatools-files/fileman-user-files/ to manage your users' files.

Frontend management

Note: Currently, it is not possible for administrators to manage private files from the frontend.