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Setup document submission workflow

Last updated: 12 October 2017

Use case

  • Registered users can submit documents
  • Registered users can view their own uploaded documents, but they can't edit them
  • Administrators can view and edit all uploaded files


1. Create a category

  1. Create a root category called Documents.
  2. Under Permissions set Access to Presets and select Registered

2. Create menu items

1. Create 'Submit documents' menu item

  1. Navigate to Menus > All Menu Items.
  2. Click New.
  3. Set Title to Submit documents.
  4. Set Menu Item Type to DOCman > Submit Document.
  5. Set Access to Registered.
  6. In the DOCman tab set Category to Documents.
  7. Click Save & New.

2. Create 'Your documents' menu item

  1. Set Title to Your documents.
  2. Set Menu Item Type to DOCman > Flat List.
  3. Set Category to the Documents category.
  4. Set Only show own documents to Yes.
  5. Set Access to Registered.

3. Create 'Users documents' menu item

  1. Click Save & New.
  2. Set Title to Users documents.
  3. Set Menu Item Type to DOCman > Flat List.
  4. Set Category to the Documents category.
  5. Set Access to Special.
  6. Click Save & Close.

4. Prevent editing documents

  1. Navigate to Components > DOCman > Settings.
  2. Under Global permissions set Users can edit their own documents and categories to No.

5. Install Notify plugin (optional)

  1. Install the Notify plugin.
  2. Set Notify category owner to Yes in the plugin settings.


Registered users can upload documents on the Submit documents page and view their uploaded documents on the Your documents page.

Administrators can view all the uploaded documents from the users on the Users documents page.